Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Venom of the Dead:

A deep growl arises from his chest,
as his eyes are as black as the night,
and as cold as his un-beating heart.
A small whimper escapes his prey,
but this only arouses his searing hunger more.
He believes himself a monster.
A demon taking life from another,
as he feels the warm essence trickle down his throat,
‘What am I?’
The words tumble from his lips as he stands in mortification.
One word – he wishes – to enclose his entire twisted world.


(Hey guys, my friend from Fanfics heard I had a blog, so she asked me to put her poem up. She says PLZ review, she can't wait to know what random people think. lol. Well, I guess all I have to say is REVIEW! --or comment. :) she says she would luv constructive critisism also. )

~Luv from Jess and her Fanfic friend!


scorpion said...

OMG!!! i luv vampires!!! go vampires 4eva!!!

wolfsbane said...

fanfic friend... of course jes of course... luv the poem

Valkyrie Uruz said...



Fanfics totally destroy the need for IMAGINATION!