A deep growl arises from his chest,
as his eyes are as black as the night,
and as cold as his un-beating heart.
A small whimper escapes his prey,
but this only arouses his searing hunger more.
He believes himself a monster.
A demon taking life from another,
as he feels the warm essence trickle down his throat,
‘What am I?’
The words tumble from his lips as he stands in mortification.
One word – he wishes – to enclose his entire twisted world.
(Hey guys, my friend from Fanfics heard I had a blog, so she asked me to put her poem up. She says PLZ review, she can't wait to know what random people think. lol. Well, I guess all I have to say is REVIEW! --or comment. :) she says she would luv constructive critisism also. )
~Luv from Jess and her Fanfic friend!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I like big butts, and I can not lie...
Moose are just like people... only hairier.
Song and rhyme of the day:
One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
and ran to save those two dead boys.
And if you don't believe it's true,
Go ask the blind man, he saw it too.
HAZZAH! Trish there is a Fish in your hand! (inside joke. lol.)
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
Two wrongs don't make a right... try three.
Hehe... I have more but g2g now!
oh, and P.S! Congrates to Bec on her engagement to Andrew! We love u both (*gag* ...well Bec anyways. lol. hehe Andrew)
I can't wait to be the maid of honor! Send me a post card from ur hooney moon in Iraq!
P.P.S. Emily says:
~Luv Jess...
(hehe... I am sooo dead...)
Song and rhyme of the day:
One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
and ran to save those two dead boys.
And if you don't believe it's true,
Go ask the blind man, he saw it too.
HAZZAH! Trish there is a Fish in your hand! (inside joke. lol.)
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
Two wrongs don't make a right... try three.
Hehe... I have more but g2g now!
oh, and P.S! Congrates to Bec on her engagement to Andrew! We love u both (*gag* ...well Bec anyways. lol. hehe Andrew)
I can't wait to be the maid of honor! Send me a post card from ur hooney moon in Iraq!
P.P.S. Emily says:
~Luv Jess...
(hehe... I am sooo dead...)
Friday, October 10, 2008
You know you live in 2008 when...
1. You go to a party, sit down and take MySpace pics.
2. You haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have AIM/LiveJournal/MySpace.
4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV.
6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer.
7. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling.
8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this.
9. You were too busy to notice number five.
10. You actually scrolled back up to check if there was a number five.
11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity.
12. Put this in your pro if you fell for it. You know you did.
He he, PLZ read my Twilight Fanfic(underneath this 1)
~Luv Jess...
2. You haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have AIM/LiveJournal/MySpace.
4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV.
6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer.
7. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling.
8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this.
9. You were too busy to notice number five.
10. You actually scrolled back up to check if there was a number five.
11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity.
12. Put this in your pro if you fell for it. You know you did.
He he, PLZ read my Twilight Fanfic(underneath this 1)
~Luv Jess...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Another Random Bet... (Twilight fanfic)
Emmett POV
1~Chatter box.
“Hey Emmett,” Jasper sat beside me on the couch. “Where is everyone?” he asked.
“Hunting- oh man!” I groaned as my play-station announced ‘Game over.’
“Great now what are we going to do?” I mumbled.
Jasper sat still for a moment before shooting up.
“I know! I have a bet for you.” He grinned evilly.
I rubbed the back of my head, “okay...?”
“Be right back,” Jasper said before quickly zooming up stairs.
Within seconds he was back and holding two paper chatter boxes in his hands.
“One chatter box has the names of all our family members, and the other has a bunch of known vampire powers. The bet is that you do one chatter box to find out who you are, then you do it again to find out who your mate is, then you use the other chatter box to find out what power you have. But you have to act as that person for a whole week without telling anyone. And you have to pretend you’re in love with the other person you pick, while ‘using’ your power. Got it?” Jasper grinned.
“Okay, but you have to do it as well, and the first person to fess up, or give up loses. Deal?” I laughed and held out my hand.
“Deal.” Jasper’s smile faded for a slight second. “But I had to make Alice promise to keep any visions she has to herself, because we don’t want anyone finding out.” He laughed. “She thought I was crazy because I wouldn’t tell her why I asked. Oh, and we’ll have to block Edward.”
I beamed. “Like I said, deal.”
2~Super ballerina.
“Teeth,” I said and Jasper started to work the chatter box.
“T-e-e-t-h. There done, next?”
I peered at the scrawled words.
“M-u-t-t. Pick an animal.”
I grinned, “Bear.”
Jasper pulled open the piece of paper and laughed. “You’re Esme. You’re in love with Bella, and your power is... super ballerina.”
My jaw dropped.
“That’s so un fare!” I groaned. “I want a new power!”
He shook his head, “sorry man, you either take it or lose giving me three thousand dollars, a pair of brand new boxing gloves, you have to spend a whole day in one of Alice’s dresses, and you have to eat an entire pizza.” He made a fake puking sound.
I growled, “Fine,” I snatched the chatter boxes off him and started working them to find out who he would be.
I laughed when I saw the name. “You’re Alice; you’re in love with Carlisle and have the power of flying... Aw! Why couldn’t I get that one?!”
Jasper grimaced. “They’re home.”
Just at that moment Edward smashed through the door followed by a hysterical Alice.
3~Nail polish
“Alice,” Edward growled. “Just tell me!”
She fell to the floor laughing and shook her head, “N-no Edward, I-I can’t” She giggled and looked at me, only making her laugh harder.
Edward’s head shot up in my direction. “Not you to! Why is everyone blocking me today?! Just tell me what’s going on!!!” he demanded.
The phone rang.
“Hello Cullen residence.” Rosalie put on her prettiest voice. “Oh it’s you. Yeah he’s here. Well may be I don’t want to. I am not stuck up! Like hell I’ll give him the phone now!” her voice turned dirty and she paused, listening to the person on the other end. “You always need Edward; I mean give him a break to spend some time with his family. No your not! Just because you’re getting married to him doesn’t mean your part of the family! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!” She screamed at the receiver and hanged up.
I shot up to restrain Edward from ripping Rose from rim to rim.
“Please no fighting in the house, you might hurt the furniture.” I called out in a high, Esme like voice.
Everyone stopped to look at me then laughed.
I grabbed my keys off the hook. “I’ll go fetch Bella darling.” I grumbled and everyone laughed harder.
“Don’t be to long! I want to go shopping for nail polish in about an hour!” Jasper called after me.
(Hope u liked, if u did (or didnt) PLZ COMMENT! then ill update the story cos everything is already done up and ready 2 go! COMMENT)
~Luv Jess...
1~Chatter box.
“Hey Emmett,” Jasper sat beside me on the couch. “Where is everyone?” he asked.
“Hunting- oh man!” I groaned as my play-station announced ‘Game over.’
“Great now what are we going to do?” I mumbled.
Jasper sat still for a moment before shooting up.
“I know! I have a bet for you.” He grinned evilly.
I rubbed the back of my head, “okay...?”
“Be right back,” Jasper said before quickly zooming up stairs.
Within seconds he was back and holding two paper chatter boxes in his hands.
“One chatter box has the names of all our family members, and the other has a bunch of known vampire powers. The bet is that you do one chatter box to find out who you are, then you do it again to find out who your mate is, then you use the other chatter box to find out what power you have. But you have to act as that person for a whole week without telling anyone. And you have to pretend you’re in love with the other person you pick, while ‘using’ your power. Got it?” Jasper grinned.
“Okay, but you have to do it as well, and the first person to fess up, or give up loses. Deal?” I laughed and held out my hand.
“Deal.” Jasper’s smile faded for a slight second. “But I had to make Alice promise to keep any visions she has to herself, because we don’t want anyone finding out.” He laughed. “She thought I was crazy because I wouldn’t tell her why I asked. Oh, and we’ll have to block Edward.”
I beamed. “Like I said, deal.”
2~Super ballerina.
“Teeth,” I said and Jasper started to work the chatter box.
“T-e-e-t-h. There done, next?”
I peered at the scrawled words.
“M-u-t-t. Pick an animal.”
I grinned, “Bear.”
Jasper pulled open the piece of paper and laughed. “You’re Esme. You’re in love with Bella, and your power is... super ballerina.”
My jaw dropped.
“That’s so un fare!” I groaned. “I want a new power!”
He shook his head, “sorry man, you either take it or lose giving me three thousand dollars, a pair of brand new boxing gloves, you have to spend a whole day in one of Alice’s dresses, and you have to eat an entire pizza.” He made a fake puking sound.
I growled, “Fine,” I snatched the chatter boxes off him and started working them to find out who he would be.
I laughed when I saw the name. “You’re Alice; you’re in love with Carlisle and have the power of flying... Aw! Why couldn’t I get that one?!”
Jasper grimaced. “They’re home.”
Just at that moment Edward smashed through the door followed by a hysterical Alice.
3~Nail polish
“Alice,” Edward growled. “Just tell me!”
She fell to the floor laughing and shook her head, “N-no Edward, I-I can’t” She giggled and looked at me, only making her laugh harder.
Edward’s head shot up in my direction. “Not you to! Why is everyone blocking me today?! Just tell me what’s going on!!!” he demanded.
The phone rang.
“Hello Cullen residence.” Rosalie put on her prettiest voice. “Oh it’s you. Yeah he’s here. Well may be I don’t want to. I am not stuck up! Like hell I’ll give him the phone now!” her voice turned dirty and she paused, listening to the person on the other end. “You always need Edward; I mean give him a break to spend some time with his family. No your not! Just because you’re getting married to him doesn’t mean your part of the family! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!” She screamed at the receiver and hanged up.
I shot up to restrain Edward from ripping Rose from rim to rim.
“Please no fighting in the house, you might hurt the furniture.” I called out in a high, Esme like voice.
Everyone stopped to look at me then laughed.
I grabbed my keys off the hook. “I’ll go fetch Bella darling.” I grumbled and everyone laughed harder.
“Don’t be to long! I want to go shopping for nail polish in about an hour!” Jasper called after me.
(Hope u liked, if u did (or didnt) PLZ COMMENT! then ill update the story cos everything is already done up and ready 2 go! COMMENT)
~Luv Jess...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Have a banana!
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts – (they’re lovely) – there they are all standing in a row – (1 2 3 4) – big ones, small ones, some as big your head – (and bigger) – give ‘em a twist, a flick of the wrist, and that’s what the showman said.
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts – ( lalalalala) – every ball you throw will make me rich – (have a banana) – there stands me wife, the idol of me life, singing, roll or bowl a ball, a penny a pitch. ((Continue that last line))
Hey guys, this is the song that me and Bec continuously sung all weekend!
Luv Jess...
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts – ( lalalalala) – every ball you throw will make me rich – (have a banana) – there stands me wife, the idol of me life, singing, roll or bowl a ball, a penny a pitch. ((Continue that last line))
Hey guys, this is the song that me and Bec continuously sung all weekend!
Luv Jess...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Hey guys! Geez, u dnt like to comment do u?!
Song of the day: I have a lovely bunch of cocoa nuts! By monty python.
Wierdest song of the day: The Sperm song, by Monty Python.
Book of the Day: Daughters of the blood.
Go telethon! Come on, donate! help those poor little children gain a brighter future!
To day there has been lots of failures. So here is my list of SUM of todays failures:
Song of the day: I have a lovely bunch of cocoa nuts! By monty python.
Wierdest song of the day: The Sperm song, by Monty Python.
Book of the Day: Daughters of the blood.
Go telethon! Come on, donate! help those poor little children gain a brighter future!
To day there has been lots of failures. So here is my list of SUM of todays failures:
- Throwing the boomeraging, and it falling straight down on the floor.
- (bec:)Found miss spelling of Emmett Cullen, with only one 't'
- Walked down drive way. Turned out to be 1km long!
- Scared of wooden snake.
- sat on chair, and was scared as the massager turned on.
- Picked up a sticky deer antler.
- (Bec's mum:) fought with sis over dad's dog
- friend called herself a moose (bec)
- (bec's mum:) let Jess stay over when should have ditched bec at jess' house!
- (Bec bro:) dissapeared at dinner. Then found in the bath... dead! --(not really dead! dont call the cops!)
- Fail: thought bec's bro to be dead
- (bec:) ran over neighbours dog with quad (it was fine, dont cry!)
- To busy writing this blog to eat dinner.
- Didnt know wat savoury mince was.
- (Trish:) went on ride at movie world, and didnt know it was a rollercoaster until was falling down the rails. (in roller cart DW)
yay! that sucked!
P.S. 4 any1 who doesnt know wat savoury mince is, (lol) it is mince, peas, cabbage, beans, and mash potatoes. (Bec says: nom nom nom)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
How to be annoying in the cinema!
Hi everyone! I just want to teach you all how to be annoying. (if you didn't already know.)NOTE: Feel free to copy onto your website etc... I don't mind.
Buy a really tall hat (preferably a turban, etc.). Sit in the front row. If someone asks you to take it off, tell them it's against your religion:
Throw popcorn up in the air and yell "It's SNOWING!!":
When someone kisses (on screen or in the theater), point and say "OOOOOHHHHH":
Clap when something bad happens to the main character, boo when something good happens:
During a really sad scene, start cracking up. During a happy/funny scene start yelling or crying:
Start coughing very loudly/choking. Point to/ask for the person-next-to-you's drink. If they offer it to you, drink the rest, including ice cubes. If they refuse to give it to you, stand up and yell "Fine! Let me die!” A really believable coughing/choking scene will work better.
Bring your TV's remote control and attempt to pause, fast-forward, and rewind the movie. During the climax or a really sad/serious scene, crack and start screaming that the damn thing is broken.
Yell “Moose!” really loudly in a really quiet/sad part.
Put your feet next to someone’s head and wiggle your feet around.
Kick their chair and say “I can’t stop moving!” when they ask you to stop.
Make a cardboard phone and ‘talk’ on it for a while.
Argue with your imaginary friend.
Roll down the isle yelling “Earthquake!”
Do the ‘Macarena’ during the beginning/end credits.
Start moaning and groaning during a really quiet part.
Leave the cinema as soon as the movie finishes, then walk into a random theater.
During a scary movie yell at the screen things such as, "No, don't trust him!", "Watch out!", and "No, DON'T GO IN THE CLOSET!!!!!!” Try yelling good things/really small things.
Preferably during the beginning of the opening stuff start screaming "No, not the voices! Anything but the voices". Also works when you're in a crowd, "An (Earthquake, flood, fire) we’re all going to DIE!!!!!" If people believe you or try to see if you're okay, you’re a genius.
When the last people are entering the theater, stand up and start waving and yelling for them to join you. (They can be strangers or you can get a whole bunch of friends to come in late). Yell to imaginary people too. You’ll never guess their reaction.
Wear a cape and when they lights dim and a logo comes on the screen, stand up and yell, "The Bat Signal." Attempt to save someone. Do you love Edward Cullen?At a random point during the movie yell, "No I will NOT make out with you!" If no one is sitting near you, it works better.
Talk and laugh hysterically with your friends. When at least 10 people have shushed you, stand up and yell "Would you people SHUT UP! I'm trying to watch the movie!!"
There. Now go enjoy your annoying life!!! And don't forget to COMMENT PLZ!!!
~Luv Jess P.S. thz froggy 4 this!
Buy a really tall hat (preferably a turban, etc.). Sit in the front row. If someone asks you to take it off, tell them it's against your religion:
Throw popcorn up in the air and yell "It's SNOWING!!":
When someone kisses (on screen or in the theater), point and say "OOOOOHHHHH":
Clap when something bad happens to the main character, boo when something good happens:
During a really sad scene, start cracking up. During a happy/funny scene start yelling or crying:
Start coughing very loudly/choking. Point to/ask for the person-next-to-you's drink. If they offer it to you, drink the rest, including ice cubes. If they refuse to give it to you, stand up and yell "Fine! Let me die!” A really believable coughing/choking scene will work better.
Bring your TV's remote control and attempt to pause, fast-forward, and rewind the movie. During the climax or a really sad/serious scene, crack and start screaming that the damn thing is broken.
Yell “Moose!” really loudly in a really quiet/sad part.
Put your feet next to someone’s head and wiggle your feet around.
Kick their chair and say “I can’t stop moving!” when they ask you to stop.
Make a cardboard phone and ‘talk’ on it for a while.
Argue with your imaginary friend.
Roll down the isle yelling “Earthquake!”
Do the ‘Macarena’ during the beginning/end credits.
Start moaning and groaning during a really quiet part.
Leave the cinema as soon as the movie finishes, then walk into a random theater.
During a scary movie yell at the screen things such as, "No, don't trust him!", "Watch out!", and "No, DON'T GO IN THE CLOSET!!!!!!” Try yelling good things/really small things.
Preferably during the beginning of the opening stuff start screaming "No, not the voices! Anything but the voices". Also works when you're in a crowd, "An (Earthquake, flood, fire) we’re all going to DIE!!!!!" If people believe you or try to see if you're okay, you’re a genius.
When the last people are entering the theater, stand up and start waving and yelling for them to join you. (They can be strangers or you can get a whole bunch of friends to come in late). Yell to imaginary people too. You’ll never guess their reaction.
Wear a cape and when they lights dim and a logo comes on the screen, stand up and yell, "The Bat Signal." Attempt to save someone. Do you love Edward Cullen?At a random point during the movie yell, "No I will NOT make out with you!" If no one is sitting near you, it works better.
Talk and laugh hysterically with your friends. When at least 10 people have shushed you, stand up and yell "Would you people SHUT UP! I'm trying to watch the movie!!"
There. Now go enjoy your annoying life!!! And don't forget to COMMENT PLZ!!!
~Luv Jess P.S. thz froggy 4 this!
Princess Sparkle Pony.

Hey guys, I just found this pick and thought it was totally funny and random.
The barbie (yes barbie...) is from washington and her name is Princess Spakle Pony. (No, i did not name her. Thats wat her name said. Poor thing lol.)
<<<<< Bec thats wat u look like on an okay day. lol. Jk. We all love you. (*Makes small gagging noises*)~Jess
Australian College of Beauty therapy
Hey guys,
If have a dream of becoming beauty therapist or Make-Up Artist then check out The Australian Collage of Beauty Therapy's blog: http://australiancollegeofbeautytherapy.blogspot.com/
They have a wide range of fun coures on offer. During your course they will help you with work experiance and work placement advise.
Just think of all the fun place you can work when you have finished.
Day Spa, Destination resort, Cruse ship while traveling the world.
Are you at the end of year 10?
So sick of school?
Not wanting to do yr 11 and 12?
Well then the Australian College can help you start a career in Beauty therapy or Make-Up Artistry. If you have any questions or would like some more information, please leave a comment and I will contact you though your blog or other means.
:) X Jess
If have a dream of becoming beauty therapist or Make-Up Artist then check out The Australian Collage of Beauty Therapy's blog: http://australiancollegeofbeautytherapy.blogspot.com/
They have a wide range of fun coures on offer. During your course they will help you with work experiance and work placement advise.
Just think of all the fun place you can work when you have finished.
Day Spa, Destination resort, Cruse ship while traveling the world.
Are you at the end of year 10?
So sick of school?
Not wanting to do yr 11 and 12?
Well then the Australian College can help you start a career in Beauty therapy or Make-Up Artistry. If you have any questions or would like some more information, please leave a comment and I will contact you though your blog or other means.
:) X Jess
Friday, October 3, 2008
Soz i havent updated 4 ages i was at my nanna and Grandad's place.
I went and saw Circus Joseph Ashton and the Space Chimp movie, both really good!
Scream if u love Edward Cullen!
Sozzy, I just feel random tonight.
Hi Bec! If u r reading right now then yaya to the Moose!
Fishy-wa I hope u had fun in Brisbane!
To every1 that doesnt know, Fishy-wa is my bff (except 4 u bec! lol) and has recently abandonded me in my hour of dying need! (not really---dont feel bad Fishy, its just coz im updating reallu really late at night) lol. Oh, and Bec, I have a lovely bunch of cocoa nuts, here they are standing in a row!
HI Bec's(moose's) friend and follower Froggy! if u r reading this give me a shout out!
Book of the week is.... To catch a pirate, by Jade something... ill add it on later.... if i have already said that one then try, City of Bones:Mortal instruments, by Cassandra Claire. Brilliant, and totally awesome!
Well i better get off b4 i dub u guys brain dead, and then u never COMMENT again!
Mwahahaha.... but seriously, PLZPLZPLZ COMMENT!
Luv Jess.
Soz i havent updated 4 ages i was at my nanna and Grandad's place.
I went and saw Circus Joseph Ashton and the Space Chimp movie, both really good!
Scream if u love Edward Cullen!
Sozzy, I just feel random tonight.
Hi Bec! If u r reading right now then yaya to the Moose!
Fishy-wa I hope u had fun in Brisbane!
To every1 that doesnt know, Fishy-wa is my bff (except 4 u bec! lol) and has recently abandonded me in my hour of dying need! (not really---dont feel bad Fishy, its just coz im updating reallu really late at night) lol. Oh, and Bec, I have a lovely bunch of cocoa nuts, here they are standing in a row!
HI Bec's(moose's) friend and follower Froggy! if u r reading this give me a shout out!
Book of the week is.... To catch a pirate, by Jade something... ill add it on later.... if i have already said that one then try, City of Bones:Mortal instruments, by Cassandra Claire. Brilliant, and totally awesome!
Well i better get off b4 i dub u guys brain dead, and then u never COMMENT again!
Mwahahaha.... but seriously, PLZPLZPLZ COMMENT!
Luv Jess.
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